The Ukrainian Media Fund is an international initiative of media industry in Europe to support Ukrainian journalists and publishers in times of war

1 200 000,00
Raised for Ukrainian media till April 2024

About the Fund

In response to the urgent need facing Ukrainian journalists in the time of Russian full-scale invasion in Ukraine media organizations from Denmark, Finland, Norway, Poland and Sweden launched the Ukrainian Media Fund (UMF), an initiative designed to raise funds, provide development support and know how to help local news media companies in Ukraine.

Since March 2022, Ukrainian Media Fund has been focused on supporting operational budgets of few dozens of local media outlets in Ukraine, especially in war zones, equipping hundreds of journalists with protective and communication gear and designing the scenarios of and securing funding for Ukrainian media rebuilt and reconstruction in the aftermath of war.

Since October 2023 Ukrainian Media Fund is operationally led by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF).

Areas of help
Joanna Krawczyk – Deputy Director of the GMF East, ex-President of the Board, Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation



financial support for t local media outlets and journalists in Ukraine, especially in war zones



journalists with protective and communication gear



cooperation between Ukrainian and other European media and public advocacy for the reconstruction of Ukrainian media



Ukrainian local media environment with reconstruction recommendations and long-term financing strategies


Ukrainian Media Fund

Founders and Partners

The UMF was initiated by the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation and leading media organizations in Nordic countries: Bonnier News, Swedish Media Publishers’ Association (Tidningsutgivarna), Association of Danish Media (Danske Medier), Finnish Media Federation (Medialiitto), News Media Finland, and Norwegian Media Businesses’ Association (Mediebedriftenes Landsforening). The UMF has been financially supported by Nordic Founders ever since. In October 2023 the German Marshall Fund of the United States replaced the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation in the role of the managing partner, becoming responsible for the UMF’s operations, finances and partnerships.


The UMF was launched in solidarity with the journalists and photographers reporting every day from the frontlines in Ukraine. Its main goal is to mobilize and provide international support - both financial and material - for local media outlets in Ukraine.

Oksana Brovko - CEO of the Association of
Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine

How does the Fund support Ukrainian media and journalists?

Ukraine has a very vibrant and diversified media landscape that comprises, besides well-established nation-wide media organizations, hundreds of regional and local media outlets across the country. These have long been the informational backbone of their communities, they shape local and regional identities, and they foster citizen participation and oversight at the grassroots level. Since the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022, local media have been key to fighting disinformation and to mobilizing societal resistance, resilience and solidarity. Their continued operations as well as further development will be critical for the short-term survival and long-term strengthening of democratic Ukraine.

In acknowledgement of this role, and in response to the urgent needs of local and regional Ukrainian media during war time, the UMF was launched in March 2022. Led by the Poland-based Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation, it was it was underwritten and resourced by six major media associations of four Nordic countries. The immediate purpose of UMF was to provide operational funding as well as protective and communication equipment to local media and journalists in war-torn regions of Ukraine. In the long-term, UMF is committed to providing financing and infrastructure to rebuild and digitally transform independent Ukrainian media. Till May 2023, UMF assistance totaled €877 000, while for 2023-2025 it is projected to reach $3.2 million.

UMF pursues a two-fold objective. First, it provides emergency assistance to local Ukrainian media outlets and journalists that are most heavily affected by the Russian war. Second, it serves as a support mechanism for the long-term recovery and development of the Ukrainian local media landscape. This dual objective translates into two programming phases that are dynamically adjusted to the ongoing war and developments in Ukraine. Emergency aid implemented since the beginning of the full-scale invasion focuses on aid responding to immediate needs assessed in close cooperation with Ukrainian media organizations: Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine (AIRPU), National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), Ukrainian Media Business Association (UMBA) and Lviv Media Forum (LMF). Assistance is provided for remote work equipment, protective and first-aid gear, and salaries of journalists working in the war zone.

Long-term support comprises efforts to rebuild the landscape of local Ukrainian media. During this phase, the UMF plans to research on and design reconstruction and transformation of Ukrainian local media outlets scenario and recommendations, advocate for strategic support the reconstruction of local media outlets in selected regions of Ukraine including operational and development funding, consultancy support and capacity building and business development.


Map of
the network

We decided to focus on regional and local outlets to ensure that our help goes where other significant media assistance organizations might not get involved. To achieve this goal, we are working together with a number of Ukrainian associations that bring together local and regional media outlets. We are distributing Funds and equipment directly to:



Actions and effects

The funds raised by the UMF allowed for the purchase of equipment necessary for journalists working in war zones, as well as financial support for these journalists and local media organizations. Over 200 newsrooms received equipment that allowed them to work despite power outages, where energy supplies and networks were paralyzed by Russian attacks. More than 500 reporters in medium-sized, small, and very small towns received power banks, allowing them to recharge their phones and laptops.

Revitalizing Ukrainian Local Media: Research and Recommendations
This publication represents a crucial effort to address the challenges and opportunities facing local journalism in Ukraine. Initiated by the Ukrainian Media Fund, in collaboration with Correctiv, and conducted with the Media Development Foundation, this research highlights the need for revitalizing local, independent media in Ukraine during these critical times. The project is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and offers both a thorough examination and a set of recommendations for ensuring the sustainability and growth of Ukraine’s local media.

In the context of Ukraine’s ongoing recovery from war, the study underscores the importance of independent local journalism in fostering transparency, accountability, and civic engagement. By drawing on European case studies, it provides a framework for strengthening community-centered local media, which plays a vital role in rebuilding resilient societies and supporting democratic transitions.

The Ukrainian Media Fund will use the findings of this publication to design its future media development programs, aimed at supporting a resilient and sustainable local media ecosystem in Ukraine. This will ensure that local media outlets not only survive but thrive, contributing to informed public discourse, democratic growth, and long-term societal resilience.

The publication is authored by:
• Joanna Krawczyk, Ukrainian Media Fund / German Marshall Fund of the United States
• David Schraven, Correctiv
• Maksym Sribnyi, Media Development Foundation
• Marta Puhach, Media Development Foundation
• Valeriia Shemshuchenko, Media Development Foundation
Edited by:
• Viera Zuborova, Correctiv
Download publication
Ukrainian Media Fund at the XIII Media Congress in Lviv
We are thrilled to announce that the Ukrainian Media Fund is proudly supporting the XIII Media Congress in Lviv this September, organized by the dedicated Oksana Brovko and the AIRPPU team. Despite the ongoing challenges faced by Ukraine, the resilience, innovation, and dedication of Ukrainian media continue to inspire us all.

This Congress is a testament to the unwavering commitment of Ukrainian media professionals, who, despite the war, power outages, and frequent attacks, continue to address the same key challenges as media worldwide. Topics such as AI integration in newsrooms, attracting younger generations as readers, and monetizing content will be central to our discussions. Additionally, we will delve into crucial security concerns and explore the evolving reality for Ukrainian media outlets during these trying times.

We are honored to welcome an exceptional lineup of guest speakers, including representatives of the UMF partners and supporters: Ladina Heimgartner, Patric Hamsch, Randi S. Øgrey, Andre Støylen, and Jon R. Hammerfjeld, who will share their valuable expertise and insights with us.

This Congress promises to be an enriching experience filled with insightful discussions, innovative strategies, and unparalleled networking opportunities that will strengthen the media community both in Ukraine and beyond.

A heartfelt thank you to our Ukrainian media peers for your steadfast dedication. Here's to moving forward and achieving victory together!
How the Ukrainian Media Fund empowers local media to serve communities
We are excited to present a short film created by Ukrainian Media Fund (UMF) beneficiaries that highlights the impact of the UMF on local media outlets and communities across Ukraine. This funding, distributed in partnership with the Ukrainian Media Business Association (UMBA), has played a significant role in empowering local media to practice solutions journalism—journalism that not only reports the news but actively contributes to identifying and solving local issues for the benefit of communities.

In the face of war and disruption, Ukrainian local media remain a vital resource, addressing the specific needs of their regions. The funding provided by UMF has enabled these outlets to act as agents of change, helping communities navigate challenges, share solutions, and create a platform for local voices to be heard.

The film showcases how UMF support has allowed journalists to focus on the wellbeing of their communities, from fostering civic engagement to driving conversations that lead to actionable solutions.

This collaboration between UMF and UMBA is not just about keeping media organizations operational—it's about empowering them to make a real difference in the lives of the people they serve.

Watch the film here and discover how local journalism is shaping a better future for Ukraine, one story at a time.

Thank you to our partners and local media for your unwavering dedication to serving your communities!
Testimony of Support: UMF and AIRPPU strengthen independent regional journalism
We are proud to share a testimony from our partner, the Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine (AIRPPU), highlighting the significant impact of the Ukrainian Media Fund (UMF) on local media in Ukraine. Through the collaboration between AIRPPU and UMF in 2024, 13 regional editorial offices, employing 84 journalists, have received essential financial support, helping them continue their vital work despite the challenges posed by the war.

Supporting independent Ukrainian media is crucial to maintaining access to truthful information and preserving the independent voice of society. The Ukrainian Media Fund was established at the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine as a vivid example of solidarity and international support for regional journalism.

The UMF, which brings together five countries—Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Poland—has been actively supporting regional journalists for over two years. Their unwavering commitment to media independence in Ukraine has been instrumental in sustaining and developing regional journalism during these turbulent times.

Oksana Brovko, Director of AIRPPU, shares:

“Thanks to our partners from the Ukrainian Media Fund, part of The German Marshall Fund of the United States, our media can solve operational tasks. Our editorial offices have received critical supplies such as helmets, bulletproof vests, technical equipment, and financial support. Recently, 13 editorial offices, encompassing 39 regional media, received funds to pay salaries for 84 journalists. This support allows us to maintain independent journalism, free from the influence of big businesses or oligarchs, ensuring freedom of speech.”

Earlier this year, UMF provided 31 regional media with 70 iPhones and over 60 MacBooks. These resources ensure that journalists can continue their work uninterrupted, even during power outages, business trips, and in the aftermath of enemy shelling. Many of these media outlets have been relocated due to the destruction of their offices, yet they continue to serve their communities.

Oksana Brovko adds:

“We are immensely grateful to the Ukrainian Media Fund, and the founders from Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. Their support allows us not only to survive but also to develop. This is a critical step toward ensuring the victory of truth and democracy, as independent journalism, especially in the regions, strengthens public trust.”

The Ukrainian Media Fund's ongoing commitment to supporting independent media is a testament to the power of international solidarity. Together, we are safeguarding objective reporting and helping regional media continue their essential role in Ukraine’s democratic process.
Celebrating Two Years of the Ukrainian Media Fund
On the occasion of the second anniversary of the Ukrainian Media Fund, we are pleased to present a short film showcasing our mission, partners, and achievements. This milestone reflects our commitment to supporting media initiatives in Ukraine. We extend our deepest gratitude to our Partners for their unwavering encouragement and support.

The film was directed, filmed and produced by Jeppe Seiding Olsen and Christopher Gregersen and premiered at the World News Media Congress in Copenhagen on 27th May 2024.
New Funding Round of for Ukrainian Independent Local Media
In the second quarter of 2024, the Ukrainian Media Fund successfully distributed a new round of support amounting to €80,000 to independent local media outlets. A total of 46 media outlets benefited from this initiative, receiving institutional grants aimed at supporting the core journalistic activities of the selected outlets.

The funding was strategically spread across numerous regions in Ukraine, ensuring a balanced distribution of resources. The supported regions include Mykolaiv, Khmelnitski, Cherkasy, Lviv, Poltava, Volyn, Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Sumy, Zhytomyr, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Kropyvnytskyy, Kherson, Chernihiv, Rivne, and Kharkiv.

The UMF grantmaking process is based on the recommendations of media outlets by three Ukrainian Media Fund partners: the Association of Independent Regional Press Publishers of Ukraine, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Media Business Association. The final selection is conducted through a peer review process.

Looking ahead, the UMF will continue to provide regular, core funding to independent local media at least 3 times a year, ensuring the sustainability and growth of journalism across the nation. However, it is important to note that the Fund does not accept unsolicited proposals.
UMF at World News Media Congress in Copenhagen 2024
Ukrainian Media Fund and its partners will host a Media Freedom Session: Special Focus Ukraine during World News Media Congress in Copenhagen on 27th May 2024.
Free, independent media across Ukraine continue to inform despite the immense challenges and devastating tragedy of ongoing war. In this session, we hear from Ukrainian media professionals as they inform the industry, media support organisations, and donors how best to respond to current needs. We will learn from Ukrainian media and industry representatives how to work together and build partnerships to project alternatives for the sustainability and viability of independent media in Ukraine. The stories of inspiring and successful collaborations with Ukrainian and international partners will raise such topics as women in news, war insurance for journalists, education and upskilling in media ecosystems, cross-border collaboration in news production and newsroom and business model development, news deserts, safety and mental well-being of journalists, and regional networking to strengthen the Ukrainian news environment.
Discussion to be led by Joanna Krawczyk from Ukrainian Media Fund / German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Session hosted by Danske Medier, Ukrainian Media Fund / German Marshall Fund of the United States, Politiken, and WAN-IFRA Media Freedom
Press Release re: Ukrainian Media Fund convoy to Ukraine of 3rd of March 2023
On Friday the 3rd of March, the first Ukrainian Media Fund convoy in 2023 was delivered to Ukraine. Equipment worth over 50,000 EURO was distributed among local media. 200 journalists and 36 editorial offices received latest generation devices that will allow them to continue their work regardless frequent power cuts. Ukrainian Media Fund was established by Bonnier News, Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation, Tidningsutgivarna, Medialiitto, Mediebedriftene and Danske Medier.
Since the beginning of last year’s Russian invasion on Ukraine, Ukrainian Media Fund has been supporting local media outlets, journalists, and photojournalists in Ukraine by providing both financial and material assistance. Until now, UMF has raised 877 ,000 Euro. Its major sponsors are The Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bonnier, Tidningsutgivarna, Axel Johnson, Polaris Media, and Sonoma. But the fund has also received a number of smaller, but equally important donations from other institutional and private donors. The Ukrainian Media Fund focuses on local and regional media because they were hurt stronger than national press outlets. Local media have seen a 40 to 80% drop in their income which resulted, among others, in their inability to pay wages to their staff. Ukrainian Media Fund has therefore taken it on itself to provide regular cash assistance to 172 journalists form more than 50 newspapers and portals in the most affected parts of Ukraine. It aims to continue its support throughout 2023.
In 2022 the UMF delivered personal gear such as helmets, body armour, goggles, and first aid kit, as well as technical equipment such as laptops, power banks or portable power generators. Keeping the local media working through these difficult times is crucial both to local communities and the journalists themselves. They provide first-hand information to the outside world and their mere existence gives reassurance and boosts the morale of local people.
On the 3rd of March another batch of over 50,000 Euro worth of equipment left Warsaw and was delivered to Lviv and nearby Truskavec in Western Ukraine. It was then distributed to media outlets all over the country by three UMF’s local partners.
Sergyi Tomilenko, president of one of them - the National Union Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) - stresses the importance of this help: “We greatly value our partnership with the Ukrainian Media Fund, which provides economic support to Ukrainian local newsrooms. Already in the first weeks after the full-scale invasion began, I got in touch with the founders of what became the UMF about emergency security assistance to Ukrainian journalists and about getting the first batches of protective equipment for them. The most pressing issue now is the economic sustainability of the media in Ukraine, which is necessary for journalists to continue to do their extremely important work, especially during the war.”
The transport consisted of 200 top of the class portable power banks that will allow journalists and photojournalists – often those reporting directly from the front line - to work throughout frequent power cuts. Another vital part of equipment delivered are power stations that can be fully charged within an hour and are strong enough to provide electricity to small editorial offices. What is important in the current situation, is that the power stations can be charged using solar panels.
“Russia is a terrorist country that is fighting with Ukraine and Ukrainians beyond the battlefield, attacking the population and civilian infrastructure. That is why the issue of energy independence is very acute for the Ukrainian media. The batch of power banks and chargers provided by the Ukrainian Media Fund is a guarantee that dozens of Ukrainian journalists and editorial offices will remain unbreakable and continue their work despite the blackouts.” – says Tomilenko.
The chargers and power banks will be distributed through – amongst others - the network of NUJU Journalists’ Solidarity Centres which respond to requests from editorial offices and journalists. As a priority, this equipment will be delivered to those working in the de-occupied and frontline areas. It will allow them to sustain the functioning of their servers in order to prepare both on-line and paper editions of the news. All this assistance apart from its material aspects gives an enormous moral support to the media community in Ukraine. For over a year now, they have been opposing the Russian invasion and sending direct reports from the ground and first-hand testimonies of atrocities committed by the aggressor. The next tranche of equipment is planned for May or June equipment it will consist of training sessions for journalists. The aim is to help them modernise news services and sites and bring them up to date with the latest solutions facilitating a swift recovery once the war is over.
Bonnier Media, part of Bonnier Group is the holding company for a corporate group made up of the Nordic region’s leading media companies, with over 200 years of experience. Our companies span a broad range of media, with a strong historic core in independent journalism and book publishing. Through journalism, storytelling, knowledge and entertainment, we aim to make for a more open, interesting, entertaining and well-informed society.
Danske Medier is a trade organization for the private Danish media. We stand behind almost 300 media companies, which have one thing in common: the aim to provide citizens with information, insight, background and news.
Medialiitto is an umbrella organization for media and graphic industry companies in Finland. We represent approximately 650 companies in the areas of news media, magazine media, book and educational material publishing and printing, radio and TV operations and distribution.
Mediebedriftene (Norwegian Media Businesses' Association) is a member of the Confederation of Norwegian Business, and is the main negotiator vis-à-vis the labour unions in the media industry.
Tidningsutgivarna (Swedish Media Publishers’ Association) is the trade association for Sweden’s newspapers and other media companies. Its members are publishing newspapers and editorial sites, as well as tv and radio broadcasters. It has around 120 members throughout Sweden.
Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation was funded by Agora, the publisher of Gazeta Wyborcza, leading opinion daily in Poland. It promotes media freedom and integrity. We want to develop independent journalism through broadly understood educational and cultural activities. Agora SA is a Polish entertainment and media group created in 1989.
15 local newspapers back in liberated territories
Thanks to the assistance of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) local newspapers from 15 liberated Ukrainian territories can now resume their public mission. Residents of villages and towns in eastern Ukraine get their Ukrainian newspaper shortly after liberation.

The Russian occupation of Ukraine caused many local and regional media outlets to either drastically limit their output or shut down completely. Even after recapturing the occupied territories, damaged infrastructure makes the simple task of distributing print media exceptionally challenging, leaving the most vulnerable communities, the elderly and digitally excluded, without access to reliable information.

One of the top priorities in Ukraine’s fight for sustained freedom and independence is the revival of local media. Newspapers provide tremendous psychological comfort to residents of the recaptured towns and villages but also help to foster a sense of community and solidarity in their hearts and minds. This is why the Ukrainian Media Fund, together with its partners and benefactors, is helping these outlets to get back on their feet.

Our partner, The National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) is coordinating the effort by seeking out editors and journalists on the ground, encouraging them and providing financial support to fund the production, publication, and distribution of local newspapers. Sergiy Tomilenko, head of the organization, says that NUJU’s systematic financial support has already led to the successful revival of 15 local titles, which, after publishing their first issue, are gradually getting back on their feet and moving on, raising funds on their own and using market mechanisms to maximize funding for their editorial offices.

So far, one or more issues have been printed and distributed in Izium (Obrii Iziumshchyny), Lyman (Zoria), Kherson (Novyi Den), Barvinkove (Visti Barvinkivshchyny), Bakhmut (Vpered), Snihurivka (Visti Snihurivshchyny), Zolochiv (Zoria), Kharkiv (Selianska Gazeta), Zmiyiv (Visti Zmiyivshchyny), Blyzniuky (Nove Zhyttia), Bohodukhiv (Mayak), Kupiyansk (Visnyk Kupiyanshchyny). After the liberation of Kherson, Novyi Den was the first outlet to break the news to local residents.
Emergency delivery of winter clothes to Kharkiv
As part of another large humanitarian aid convoy to the war-torn regions in eastern Ukraine, on November 17, the Ukrainian Media Fund delivered another package of essential supplies purchased with the generous support of our international partners and benefactors.
Over 300 pieces of thermoactive clothing worth an estimated EUR 1700 were handed out to Ukrainian families from Kharkiv, Kupiansk, and Dvorichna, identified with the help of local journalists. The gear, purchased at the sporting goods retailer Decathlon, will help the most vulnerable civilians of the Kharkiv region survive the cold winter months.
In Dvorichna, one of the vehicles carrying Gazeta Wyborcza’s political journalist Wojciech Czuchnowski came under fire from Russian troops. The red cross emblems with which the car was marked provided no protection. According to local residents, the convoy was fired at precisely because it came to help.


More about

Ukrainian Media Fund

The Ukrainian Media Fund joins forces with the German Marshall Fund of the United States as a new operational partner

For the past 17 months, the Ukrainian Media Fund (UMF) has delivered substantial aid to Ukrainian journalists and publishers to help them continue to perform their vital mission under extremely challenging conditions caused by the Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Founded by several Nordic media associations, Bonnier News, and the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation in March 2022, the UMF is dedicated to directly supporting journalists and publishers in the war zone.

From the UMF’s founding, the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation has ensured the timely delivery of funds and equipment to our Ukrainian partners. As UMF’s work to foster an independent Ukrainian news media ecosystem continues to evolve, beginning in October 2023, the UMF has shifted partnership from the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation to begin a collaboration with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) as the operational partner.

As a leading transatlantic grant-making institution working with extensive experience in Ukraine and throughout the Black Sea region, GMF provides comprehensive support for civil society, democracy activities, independent media, and Euro-Atlantic integration. At GMF, the Ukrainian Media Fund will be led by Joanna Krawczyk, Deputy Managing Director of GMF East.

“Our work to secure and build a free and independent Ukrainian news media is as important as ever and is possible to continue thanks to the generous contributions from Nordic media companies and governments,” notes Mads Brandstrup, CEO of the Danish Media Association. “Therefore, I am happy, and excited that the German Marshall Fund of the United States has agreed to take over as a new partner. At the same time, I want to extend my warm gratitude to the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation for their indispensable work.”

Jarosław Kurski, President of the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation, and 1st Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Gazeta Wyborcza observes, “After 17 months of hard but very needed work, the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation will be transferring responsibility for direct running of the UMF to a larger international organization which, among other things, specializes in providing versatile aid to Ukraine and creating effective development models for that country.”

“GMF believes in the importance of strong, independent media as a fundamental democratic building block,” remarks Heather A. Conley, President of The German Marshall Fund of the United States. “And we believe that Ukraine represents one of the most important building projects in our lifetime. We thank the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation for their valuable work and look forward to this new partnership with UMF. Together, our organizations can more fully support Ukrainian democracy and civil society at this critical moment in history.”

Year of war, year of aid

We invite you to read the 2022-2023 report summarizing an over a year effort of the UMF, and a short video about our last transport of in-kind aid Full report

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Ukrainian Media Fund and International News Media Association unveils new scholarship programme

The International News Media Association (INMA) will support the Ukrainian Media Fund with extensive training for Ukrainian journalists. During the ”Media Innovation Week” in Copenhagen, INMA announced a new partnership with the Ukrainian Media Fund in order to offer corporate memberships to newspapers in Ukraine.INMA First Vice President Gert Ysebaert, CEO of Belgium-based Mediahuis, told the more than 300 delegates from 36 countries in Copenhagen that INMA supports journalism-based local media companies in Ukraine under unprecedented assault by war:

”Journalism is indispensable in a well-functioning society,” Ysebaert said. “It’s critical now more than ever. How can we contribute with the strength of INMA? The first thing we can do, a modest step, is introducing a scholarship for media companies in Ukraine, offering them a free membership with everything that comes with this membership — support, Webinars, master classes. There are very urgent needs — money, helmets, newsprint — but in the long-term, they will also need to build up a viable business model. And that is where we can help. This is where INMA can step in.”

INMA will support newspapers, selected by the Ukrainian Media Fund, with key trainings related to subscriptions, digital advertising, data, product and newsroom innovation.

“The knowledge and resources of INMA will be offered to newspapers in Ukraine for free, as they enter the next phase in our support to local journalists fighting the information war with independent reporting”, Mads Brandstrup, the CEO of Danske Medier, one of the founding organisations of the Ukrainian Media Fund, said in Copenhagen.

Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation and its Ukrainian Media Fund awarded the 2022 Golden Pen of Freedom

The Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom award of the World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), has been awarded to Gazeta Wyborcza and the Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation in Poland. The award, made during the 2022 World News Media Congress in Zaragoza, Spain recognises “a news organisation that stands as a beacon of independence and as a bulwark against authoritarianism; a paper of record that demonstrates its values daily, across its pages, through support to young journalists, in the promotion of local news, and through work across borders in solidarity with colleagues in need.” The Award to Gazeta Wyborcza Foundation recognises the work within Ukrainian Media Fund coordinating critical financial and technical support to Ukrainian colleagues from across Europe following the Russian invasion

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Ukrainian Media Fund

Supporters of the Fund

We cannot achieve our mission without the support of our donors, both individual and institutional. All of us at UMF deeply appreciate your support.



Ukrainian Media Fund

Support the Fund

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), the operational partner of UMF, is incorporated with 501(c)3 charitable status in the United States and all donations to GMF are considered deductible to the fullest extent of the law. GMF’s institutional Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 52-0954751.

GMF is enrolled in the Transnational Giving Europe Program and can accordingly facilitate tax-efficient giving for taxpayers in select European countries.

    If you have any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Head of UMF Joanna Krawczyk at jkrawczyk[at], and we will get back to you as soon as we are able.

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  • For donations in USD:
    ABA number: 055002707
    Account number: 101626597

    For donations in EUR:
    ABA number: No ABA
    Account number: 31356EUR
    Account holder: The German Marshall Fund of the United States
    Bank name: Truist Bank
    Bank address: 214 N Tryon St. Charlotte,
    Title: Donation for Ukrainian Media Fund